The Death of a King

We woke to a dark, cloudy day and rain in the Kruger National Park. It was Day Two of five in Kruger after five days of safari in the Ingwelala Private Game Reserve in South Africa.

Our agenda for the day was to locate and photograph lions, one of the Big 5 that had eluded us thus far. We have had plenty of other wildlife sightings over the last week including two of the other members of the Big 5, cape buffalo and elephants.

Greg Parker and myself set off in our private vehicle rather then in an organized game drive from the reserve. This allowed us to wonder freely at our own speed and in locations of our choosing. Greg has been to Kruger many times and a life long resident of South Africa and an avid photographer.

After about an hour of driving we came across a small group of four cars that had stopped and pulled to the side of the road. Located in the high grass and within several low-lying trees and brush was a pride of lions consisting of two males, three females and three cubs.

We spend almost two hours photographing the pride as the rain continued under the dark skies. During this time the cubs played with mock attacks on each other, the males remained separate from one another only clashing once and the females roamed the grasses or lay next to one of the males.


At one point a female walked through the grass calling for her cubs. She covered an area of about the size of a football field and disappeared behind us. I continued to take photographs out the car window, as you are not allowed to leave your vehicle in Kruger for safety reasons and for the well being of the animals.

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In a quiet voice Greg leaned over and said “Larry look in the side view mirror”. Glancing down I saw the lioness approaching the car on the shoulder of the road only a few feet away. I asked if I should roll up the window and Greg said just to be quiet, still and calm.

She walked right next to my open window. I could have literally reached out and touched her as she kept walking past me without a care in the world. She veered to her left entering the field again calling to the cubs, which now were running towards her.

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Soon after we began driving again in search for more wildlife and hopefully another pride of lions. We were not to be disappointed as within 30 minutes about ten miles away we spotted another pride. This one consisted of three males and one female. The female was injured and could not put any weight on her right front leg as she limped around the out stretched male lions sleeping in the mid-day sun. Every now and then one would roll over with their huge bellies stuffed from a recent kill, legs flopping from one side to the other.

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After spending time photographing two prides we continued down the dirt rode in search of other opportunities neither of us having any idea of what we about to witness.

We decided to try an area where we found a small herd of elephants the day before that was near a watering hole called Rabelias Dam near Orpen Camp. Upon arriving we notice a large male lion crouching on the shore.

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As our cameras clicked away you could see something was off, his posture just did not look right. On closer examination looking through the lens his left hind leg was protruding and at a strange angle. After he had his fill of water he struggled to his feet hardly able to stand. What you did not notice while he was drinking, he literally was nothing but skin and bones.

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He slowly moved away from the water and staggered as if he was drunk towards a small rise. Every few steps he would stop to catch his breath, his head hanging low until he had enough energy to take a few more steps. Upon reaching the rise he turned to face the water hole and began his slow descent to the ground. About half way down he collapsed the rest of the way. It was evident he was in his last days if not his last hours on this earth.

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As we continued to watch this once beautiful and strong lion a small herd of elephants arrived at the waters edge. The elephants drank, played squirting water into the air over themselves and others to cool down from the days heat.

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One of the larger elephants left the others and walked towards the rise not far from where the lion had collapsed as if to stand guard over the herd. At first he did not notice the lion lying low in the grass about 30 yards away trying to stay out of sight.

Then in an instant the elephant reared, ears outstretched and flapping as he took several steps back, trumpeted and charged the lion. Upon hearing the elephant start his charge all the other elephants started to charge as well, trunks in the air trumpeting as the ran towards the lion.

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Maybe in his younger more virile days the lion would have tried to make a stand, at least roar at the top of his lungs. But not now, now it took every bit of energy he had to get to his feet turn and run.

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After everything settled down Greg and I drove to find the lion. We found him lying in the grass, exhausted unable to move. We were no more then five feet from him as he lay dying in the shade of a tree. Dropping my camera we stared at one another locking eyes for what seemed for an eternity. I just wanted him to know that he would not die alone as he struggled to breath, his chest rising only every so often. Then a last twitch of an ear, his last breath, he was gone. The King was dead.

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Over the years as a photojournalist I have photographed people that had lost everything in earthquakes, fires and landslides, people that had been injured, people that were dying but I have never photographed anything as sad as this majestic animal, the true king of the beasts and master of his domain. I will never forget what I was so privileged to have witnessed.

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Later we learned that the name of this noble lion was Skybed Scar. The lion was well known in the Kruger National Park where he roamed and ruled for many years. He lived free and he died free.




Author: larry pannell

I started my career in photography as a professional photojournalist in 1979 at the time working with several newspapers and magazines in Southern California. What I loved most about photojournalism was its diversity and over my career I covered professional sports, concerts and travel. As life would have it mine took yet another turn and in 1988 I developed an interest in holistic medicine. I became a professional massage therapist specializing in sports medicine. In 1991 I decided to go to medical school and obtained a medical degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine and stared my career as a licensed acupuncture physician. After medical school I moved my practice to northern Idaho for a year before settling in the resort area of Sun Valley, Idaho. I’ve always been an outdoor person and hiking and backpacking the Rockies and fishing the pristine river waters and high altitude lakes offered me a wonderful photographic opportunity. In 2010 I left Sun Valley and I once again found myself on a cruise ship, this time working as an “Acupuncturist at Sea”. For the past seven years I have traveled to 85 countries, which has allowed me to photograph much of the world.

97 thoughts on “The Death of a King”

  1. You put a smile on my face, knowing you honored the King in his dying moments. We should all be so blessed.


      1. He…Larry the photographer did not usher this lion to the next life. What a stupid comment! This noble lion wanted to live and needed food!!!! WHAT A STUPID COMMENT!! Larry did nothing for it! Larry did not honor the King in his dying moments….YOU IDIOT!! We should be blessed? Who?? There is nothing to be blessed by watching a lion agonize over starvation taking it’s last breath!!! It’s people like both of you which is why animals are becoming endangered and the earth is becoming filthy!!!


      2. You should really split this into two articles. The story about the male lying dying is so compelling.


      3. Thank you so much for sharing this touching experience Larry. Your images and your story made me cry. They were the tears of silence reverence for the powerful and wonderful creatures of our Mother Earth in their natural habitat, while you were respectfully bearing witness to life’s cycle as you held space for another being in his final moments, transitioning into next phase. That is the ultimate sacred act to be there for another “being” (human or animal) and to support them as they walk off this realm into the next. When you have a deep understanding and reverence for the divine flow of things perhaps it’s easier to surrender to “what is” and that seems to be exactly what you did while holding space for this beautiful creature who gained support and courage from your gaze and your existence near him. I know this because I’ve been honored to have had the opportunity to sit with the dying in their final moments and had the opportunity to be able to offer my love and support through that very “gaze” because we are ALL connected through that very energy of LOVE. Thank you again. Not only you’re a gifted story teller and a great image maker, I can also see the Healer in you touching the many different sacred spots of Mother Earth and all the wonderful beings we are lucky to share this existence with.


      4. Hi Ishil
        Thank you so much for your kind words… I still tear up when I share this experience with people I meet… Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you


    1. I think it was just absolutely heartless to watch a starving majestic lion die without bringing it tons of raw meat from a market to feed it. How could you watch this lion starve and die A SLOW AGONIZING DEATH WITH OUT HELPING IT?? There is nothing honorable or helpful by letting the lion know that he was not alone by you being there. HE WAS IN AGONY??? How could you just stand there and not do anything? You could have brought lots of raw meat! You could have located a wildlife vet…..SOMETHING! Brought him food! The last thing the starving lion wanted to see was a person while he’s wasting away. You certainly don’t look like you miss a meal based on your picture so you know nothing about starving! Shame on you for not bringing an abundance of raw meat for this lion. I disagree with Pamela Bellamy above who has a smile on her face. What an ignorant comment! How could you smile at a majestic lion that is slowly agonizingly starving to death and taking it’s last breath?? SO STUPID!!! Animals are so much smarter than people!!!!


      1. RB… Really are you such a small person that you attack someones appearance… shame. And are you such a small person that you attack another posters opinion and calling her ignorant and stupid…. shame… And to your point animals die in nature, it is part of life. And to take the stance that one should run to the store and buy some meat and come back and track the animal down and give it some food is what is truly ignorant… And yes I understand that I called you ignorant and stupid and that fact is born out boy what you have written… And to take the stance that I should have found a vet to do something for the animal is not only ignorant it is against the law. Skybed Scar was within the Kruger National Park and the law states that you are NOT to interact with the animals for ANY reason and that you are to let nature takes its course. I did what I thought was the right thing to do and I would do it again… And to state “There is nothing honorable or helpful by letting the lion know that he was not alone by you being there” shows how little you know about the spiritual world. If I could have held him in my arms I would have done that… In closing I will say that in order for your comments to hurt me and effect me I would have to care about you and your opinions which I do not. I do not care about anyone that is so heartless to attack another human being and attacking them personally…. So in closing I will just say goodbye and ask are you thinking about the cow that gave its life for your next steak or hamburger or the chicken the next time you eat chicken nuggets…


      2. First it is against the law to do so, this was in Kruger National Park and it’s against the law to even get out of your car…. Second it is nature and you are no allowed to intervene… nature will take is course in Kruger and with us too…


      3. First it is against the law to do so, this was in Kruger National Park and it’s against the law to even get out of your car…. Second it is nature and you are no allowed to intervene… get over it…


      4. Maybe you should dedicate your life to finding starving animals and feed them something. That way you can chase birds if they miss their morning worn or perhaps jump inside an alligators mouth if you think it’s hungry.


      1. Thank you so much David for your thoughts… still tear up when I tell people about this experience… Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you


      1. Ok so of course I understand its nature but the lion shouldn’t of been left to die like that,lions have it hard enough be left to starve is wrong,we should be protecting these animals,not showing pictures of them dying that way.


      2. Sorry that we will have to disagree… nature is nature period and both life and death are part of it… no animal is above any other animal and they should be allowed to follow their path regardless of where is leads… it is all in the circle of life to coin a phrase… and please don’t think it was easy to witness and photograph the last minutes of Skybed Scars life, it was not but as a photojournalist it was necessary and even beyond that by spending those last minutes with him he knows he did not die alone… we should all be so lucky…


      3. I agree with Emma Long below!! The lion SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN LEFT TO DIE!!! Leaving the lion to starve IS WRONG!!! SHOWING PICTURES OF A DYING STARVED LION IS SO DISRESPECTFUL!! I agree with you Emma! Maybe someone someday will be as callas, cruel and heartless like Larry will take a picture of Larry while he is laying and dying too! Hopefully he (Larry) will remember how horrible it was to take a picture….such poor taste…. taking a picture of a suffering dying starved lion taking it’s last breath. LARRY YOU ARE HEARTLESS AND CRUEL!!! RIGHT ON EMMA!! Emma, you are kind hearted like me!!


      4. R>B
        Sorry you feel that way but there are a number of different reasons…
        First… Nature is Nature and you should respect the process of life… and nothing could have been done even if I could/should have…
        Second… It is against the law to intervene with the wildlife in a game preserve…
        Third… I honored Skybed Scar by not letting him die alone… know that someone cared for with and prayed for his soul…
        Fourth… Wishing for a human being to die… even though we disagree I would never wish that upon you… I hope you feel good about yourself for saying so…
        Fifth… I am not angered or offended by either of your comments… I know I did what was right and do not have to answer to you…


  2. your story bring tear to my eyes.
    Someone posted one of your photos on reddit and it hit the front page, here is the link:
    im glad someone post this website with the backstory, because i got very curious about it

    Thanks for honor him im his last moments..
    did you touch him before his last breath to calm him, or you felt this would be dangerous?


      1. Hi larry, i also saw this on reddit. Nice journey you had and beautiful story. Just want to say hello. From Boise, ID


      2. Hi Tri… thank you and good to hear from you… enjoyed staying at your place last year. Please follow the blog as I will be posting once a week. I’m headed back to Alaska this summer then then head to Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam, Philippines, Guam and Hawaii…


  3. Mr. Pannell … thank you for sharing the photo and the engaging story. You perfectly captured the emotion and moments that happened. Again, thank you for sharing it with us.


  4. I really enjoyed your storytelling. And I agree, it is truly fortunate to witness the death of such a majestic animal, although it also brings a great sorrow. Looking forward to more of your stories. You’ve just gained a new follower.


  5. Thank you very much for sharing this once in a lifetime experience through your wonderful words and stunning photos. Thank you for following the old king from his last movements, to his final rest. And not only to share his story, but also for his safety, and to show compassion. It was a unique moment to witness, and it seems you were there for a reason! (It ills me to think what a lesser person were just looking for a trophy!)
    ..I know we shouldn’t intervene as nature finds its way in the end. But I truly hope the Park has a way to honor old Scar and give him a proper burial.
    …Again, thank you for sharing your experience. You can be sure you enlightened at least one person and gained a fan!


    1. Thank you Kasi for your kind words…. Please follow my blog if you like as I will be posting photographs and the stories behind them as I travel the world… next stop back to Alaska for my 6th summer before heading to Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam, Philippines, Guam and Hawaii…


      1. What a moving article. I felt sad for the lion although every creature will eventually pass. Thank you for sharing this.


      2. Thank you for your kind words Carol… it was tragic but as you said every creature will pass… including us… sorry it has taken so long to get back to you


    2. The thing that amazes me most, is this ability to obey the order of events, i.e. the Law of Nature. What’s in there, I wonder. Should we act so, too? Does the World’s Wisdom lie in the power of accepting the reality and dying when it’s time to – or is it just ‘following the instincts’, no more? …
      The King of the Jungle’s Sapience vs the King of Nature’s X-perience. The Winner takes it all. But WHO is the Winner after all?…


  6. Hello
    came here from Reddit . Thanks for sharing your experience that day . it made me sad though 😦
    I guess it is a reminder about the reality of life and death in general . and if whether we lived our true purpose or not .


    1. Thank you Hiram for your kind words…. Please follow my blog if you like as I will be posting photographs and the stories behind them as I travel the world… next stop back to Alaska for my 6th summer before heading to Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam, Philippines, Guam and Hawaii…


    1. Thank you Myndee for your kind words…. Please follow my blog if you like as I will be posting photographs and the stories behind them as I travel the world… next stop back to Alaska for my 6th summer before heading to Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam, Philippines, Guam and Hawaii…


    1. I am so curious about the opinions (including the photographer’s) that this majestic old cat somehow benefitted from being able to gaze at a human during his last moments. It seems very self-serving. you speak of the last moments of his life as if he without a doubt wanted the human there “sharing” his journey. I doubt that very much. I have spent time in the Kruger and witnessed the lions and DESPISE the phrase “big 5” since it points out the fact that the park IS an enclosure although a very large one. These amazing creatures should be free – really free and not dwindling in numbers due to the greed and “superiority” of man – not.


      1. I do believe the lion benefited… you state that you do not believe that he benefitted…well how do you know that, it is your opinion. Mine is he did… we are all connected man and animal… I believe the lion felt compassion and love in his final minutes… I’m the one that stared into his eyes… I saw no hate… I saw understanding… my hope was to help Skybed Scar find peace…

        I look at Kruger and parks like it as it is a place that the animals roam free and a place for education of the human species… thanks for your thoughts but know mine are not of being “self serving”… I was taught by my grandfather who raised me who was Chiraicahua Apache to be compassionate to all of the earths inhabitants… those that fly, those that swim and those that walk… the two legged and the four legged… AHO!!!!


  7. This is the most moving collection of images and words I’ve read all year. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Much appreciated. I’ll take this with me throughout the year as a ‘teaching’ moment.


  8. I am very passionate about animals and your story has brought tears to my eyes. And even it’s being the “end moment” of a life, I could fell happiness exactly in your last sentence: “He lived free and he died free.” That’s the real perfection! Thanks for sharing this moment with us!


  9. Larry thank you for capturing such a sad yet brave story of the king of the jungle. I have been to the Kruger I don’t know how many times and I have never had such luck of seeing 2 prides in one day. You on the other hand was blessed and it was good because you are able to share with so many of us. Thank you


  10. Thank you for sharing the story behind the photograph – I saw the photo on Instagram @world_of_instapix with your name as photo credit. I searched online and found your blog. I’m sure it was a very sad thing to witness but again something you will never forget. Thanks again for sharing.


  11. Larry you have an amazing gift. Both in the way you write and the photos you take. The story of the lion is a keeper. What a beautiful tribute for that King of the Jungle. Thank you for not letting him die alone. -Todd


  12. The thing that amazes me most, is this ability to obey the order of events, i.e. the Law of Nature. What’s in there, I wonder. Should we act so, too? Does the World’s Wisdom lie in the power of accepting the reality and dying when it’s time to – or is it just ‘following the instincts’, no more? …
    The King of the Jungle’s Sapience vs the King of Nature’s X-perience. The Winner takes it all. But WHO is the Winner after all?…


  13. So amazing!
    Can I use your stories and your pictures for my article? I really love your post and I want to share it. I will translate for a newspaper in my country. I hope that you will give me your permission.
    Thank you so much, for amazing moments!


  14. I have never been to Kruger National Park, and it is #1 on my most-wanted travel list. I hate to see scenes like this, but the truth is that we all die–dogs, cats, elephants, lions & humans–we all die. And in the wild, death is much more cruel, or at least that’s how we, as humans, think it is. Our emotions come into play when we see a creature once considered to be the “king of the jungle” faced with the inevitable end of his time. It must have been heartbreaking & soothing for you at the same time. Somehow I believe you’ll see him again.


    1. Hi Diane… Thank you so much for your thoughts. I hope you make it to Kruger, it is a place that I will never forget and I feel fortunate to have been able to experience everything I saw there. The moment I was able to witness and share with Skybed Scar is one that I will never forget… it was a pleasing…


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